Number of People Taking ADHD Drugs in the United States

adhd-drugs-250SOURCE: IQVia Total Patient Tracker (TPT) Database, Year 2017, Extracted April 2018. For all drug regulatory warnings, studies and side effects of ADHD drugs, click here
Drug Class:            Age Group:          Number of People:

ADHD Drugs          0-5 Years                80,235

0-1 Years                 328
2-3 Years                 1,919
4-5 Years                 77,396

6-12 Years               2,119,343
13-17 Years             1,524,381
18-24 Years             1,279,544
25-44 Years             2,988,919
45-64 Years             1,549,161
65 Year +                  299,370

Grand Total                                            9,621,181

Ritalin pills and warning label.Get the Facts: To read all documented international drug regulatory agency warnings, studies and side effects reported to the US FDA on ADHD drugs click here