Now Psychs are recommending Electroshock for pregnant women who are depressed. Yep. Electroshock.

[Unbelievable as it may sound, psychiatrists are now advocating electroshock treatment for pregnant woman and their unborn children. Visit our webpage on the MOTHERS Act to see how psycho/pharma industry is pushing Congress to pass legislation that will get more pregnant women and nursing mothers on drugs]

ECT, which involves an electric current that induces a seizure in the brain, has been “long regarded as a safe and effective treatment for severe depression in pregnancy,” the guidelines say. It may be particularly help for for women who aren’t helped by medication, or when a disorder is life-threatening. It doesn’t appear to be harmful to either the mother-to-be or the unborn children when they are carefully monitored, according to the guidelines.

Shirley S. Wang
The Wall Street Journal
August 21, 2009

Pregnant women should consider psychotherapy as an alternative to antidepressants, but those with more severe or recurrent bouts of depression should remain on their meds during pregnancy, according to a new report from two big physicians’ groups.

But there’s an alternative treatment for the sickest depressed women, the guidelines say: electroconvulsive therapy, often called shock therapy.

ECT, which involves an electric current that induces a seizure in the brain, has been “long regarded as a safe and effective treatment for severe depression in pregnancy,” the guidelines say.

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