Featured Articles

Kick Starting a Worthy Film: ADDicted

Dan Jenski, a thirty-something generation Yer or “millennial”, has issues with the mental health diagnosis of his generation and the use and abuse of prescription mind-altering drugs.

As part of the generation that grew up with easy access to computers, instant internet connections and smart phones, Jenski is utilizing those tech savvy skills to raise awareness thru film about the mental health abuse he personally witnessed and the toll it took on his generation.

The Black Cloud in Silver Linings Playbook: Pharma Product Placement in Film

Has the motion picture industry become the newest outlet for pharmaceutical product advertising? And as part of that promotion will the viewing audience understand that Seroquel, one of the most powerful mind-altering drugs in psychiatry’s arsenal, has been dubbed the pharmaceutical equivalent of a chemical lobotomy? The recently released Silver Linings Playbook, for example, in an apparent attempt to legitimize the alleged mental illness bipolar disorder, and also convince the audience that psychiatric medication is the necessary treatment, not only specifically mentions Seroquel but also provides a close up of the actual pill.

CCHR Exposes Psychiatry’s Military Spending to Create Drugged-Out Super-Soldiers

The mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights announces the last in a four-part series by award-winning investigative journalist Kelly Patricia O’Meara exploring how the nation’s military forces have been used as guinea pigs for psychological and pharmaceutical experiments. This last installment looks at the long standing relationship between the military and psychiatry that has been in place since WWII and the psychiatric research being conducted on U.S. soldiers.

Connecticut Shooting— Wake Up Call for Federal Investigation of America’s Failed Mental Health System

According to news reports, the Sandy Hook shooter, Adam Lanza, was a product of the mental health system and had been taking ‘medication’ since the age of ten and reportedly seeing a psychiatrist from at least the age of 15. Lanza’s mother reportedly told friends that Lanza “was getting worse” and “she was having trouble reaching him.” The questions that need to be answered is when did Adam Lanza first receive mental health treatment, what diagnoses did he receive and how what drugs had he been prescribed over his short life.

Out of the Asylums and Into the Army: Psychiatry Creates Multi-Billion Dollar Market for Military Psychiatrists and Big Pharma

The mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights announces the third in a four-part series by award-winning investigative journalist Kelly Patricia O’Meara exploring the epidemic of suicides and sudden deaths in the military and the skyrocketing use of psychiatric drugs being prescribed to soldiers and vets. The third installment looks at the historical data behind the psychiatric-military alliance and the psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry’s increasing power and influence within the military today.