Psychiatrist Peter Breggin on the Texas, Fort Hood Shooter “Let’s also see through yet another media smoke screen”

Some in the media have expressed surprise that a man whose profession is about caring would turn to violence. According to one theory, poor Dr. Hasan was driven to the breaking point by the stress of counseling returning soldiers and having to listen to their horrific stories. Totally false. Psychiatrists are no longer trained to listen to or to counsel their patients. Nor do they care to.

In wake of shootings: Read what psychiatrist Peter Breggin said about psych drugs/military/violence & drug withdrawal

Death by suicide is at record levels in the armed services. Simultaneously the use of antidepressant drugs is also at record levels, including brand names like Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa and Lexapro. According to the army, in 2007 17% of combat troops in Afghanistan were taking prescription antidepressants or sleeping pills. Inside sources have given me an even bleaker picture: During Vietnam, a mere 1% our troops were taking prescribed psychiatric drugs. By contrast, in the past year one-third of marines in combat zones were taking psychiatric drugs.

Orlando shooter Jason Rodriguez on medication for his mind says mother-in-law

A gunman killed one and injured five, police said, in a shooting Friday at the Orlando offices of an engineering firm where the suspect was let go more than two years ago. Rodriguez’s former mother-in-law told Fox News over the phone that Rodriguez was on medication that affected his mind. She said he acted paranoid, thinking people were out to get him.

University of Miami under fire for hiring psychiatrist who took millions in Pharma funds and was “pharma pimping for Paxil”

Bernard Carroll, former head of psychiatry at Duke University and once Charles Nemeroff’s boss, said parts of Nemeroff’s work involved Paxil, a GlaxoSmithKline antidepressant. “Basically, he was doing basic science pimping for Paxil to produce talking points,” Carroll told The Herald in an e-mail Thursday. “All he ever produced was speculation but that was enough to satisfy Glaxo marketing. . . . I have been exposing his shenanigans for some years.”

The New American: The Healthcare Bill’s Sops to the Mental-health Industry

If enacted, the provisions in the bill will serve to prop up an already misrepresented collection of disorders and channel ever-more-billions into the psycho-pharmaceutical industry that could be better directed toward research for cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, and a host of other known, physical ailments that cost families a fortune and send their victims to gruesome, painful deaths.