U.S. Military Gets Psyched Out

The New York Times’ Benedict Carey reported this week that the Army “plans to require that all 1.1 million of its soldiers take intensive training in emotional resiliency.”

“Resiliency” is not something learned in a “crash course.” It’s a backdrop for what we used to call “character,” something parents and religious organizations instilled over years. You can have all the “resiliency” classes and role-playing and “conflict resolution” strategies you like, but if it is not in keeping with the underlying personality of the individual, it won’t work in the end.

ADHD drug abuse by 13-19 year olds rose 76% from 1998 to 2005

The researchers looked for cases of intentional abuse or misuse of ADHD medications in youths 13 to 19 years old from 1998 through 2005.

They found that over the eight-year study period, the number of calls to poison control centers regarding ADHD medication use went up 76 percent, from 330 calls during the first year to 581 calls the last year.

Suicide Prevention Drug Pushing Racket – Part II by Evelyn Pringle

In nearly all the studies and papers published over the years that claim SSRIs work with children and do not cause suicide, the same academic quacks appear as investigators and co-authors. The list of names includes, but is not limited to, Joseph Biederman, David Brent, Jeffrey Bridge, David Dunner, Graham Emslie, Daniel Geller, Robert Gibbons, Frederick Goodwin, Martin Keller, Andrew Leon, Anne Libby, John Mann, John March, Charles Nemeroff, John Rush, Neal Ryan, David Shaffer, Karen Wagner and Robert Valuck.

Exposing Psychiatry’s Billing Bible “Inside the DSM The Drug Barons’ Campaign to Make Us All Crazy”

Implicit to the drug companies’ messianic promises of health, happiness and economic productivity is a spurious parable of linear scientific progress: in spite of consistently inconclusive clinical trials, new psychotropic drugs are regularly marketed as improvements on old ones, ever more specific in their targeting of neurotransmitters, ever less productive of pernicious side effects.

Now Psychs are recommending Electroshock for pregnant women who are depressed. Yep. Electroshock.

[Unbelievable as it may sound, psychiatrists are now advocating electroshock treatment for pregnant woman and their unborn children. Visit our webpage on the MOTHERS Act to see how psycho/pharma industry is pushing Congress to pass legislation that will get more pregnant women and nursing mothers on drugs

ECT, which involves an electric current that induces a seizure in the brain, has been “long regarded as a safe and effective treatment for severe depression in pregnancy,” the guidelines say. It may be particularly help for for women who aren’t helped by medication, or when a disorder is life-threatening. It doesn’t appear to be harmful to either the mother-to-be or the unborn children when they are carefully monitored, according to the guidelines.