Adderall use skyrocketing in Major League Baseball

You’ve probably heard of Adderall, the latest flavour of the month in the world of performance-enhancing drugs for athletes. If you haven’t, you surely will soon enough because we are expected to believe a substance used to treat symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is medically required twice as often by baseball players as by people in general. Does that make sense?

Adderall use skyrocketing in Major League Baseball

You’ve probably heard of Adderall, the latest flavour of the month in the world of performance-enhancing drugs for athletes. If you haven’t, you surely will soon enough because we are expected to believe a substance used to treat symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is medically required twice as often by baseball players as by people in general. Does that make sense?

Chemical fix not the answer to all behavioral problems

When all of the rhetoric is stripped away, what psychiatrists have actually done is redefine a set of behavioral characteristics as an illness and drugged it. The expensive chemicals given to those labelled with ADHD produce nullifying effects that are hailed as “demonstrably effective.” What is actually happening is the person has been drugged, and is exhibiting the effects of a dangerous mind-altering foreign substance in his or her body.