Side effects of ADHD drugs shock parents

Kim Collier’s 7-year-old daughter could not stop crying. Less than 24 hours earlier, the child had started taking Vyvanse, a drug prescribed for the treatment of ADHD. The distraught mother suggested a bike ride to distract the inconsolable child. The two set out for a park near their home outside Alliston, Ont. The girl pedalled and sobbed. Then, Collier recalled, “She screamed at me. She said, ‘I want to die.’”

In America, everyone seems to be taking the wonder-drug Adderall—but what about all those worrying side-effects?

I once went to a barbecue in LA where a group of women in the pool gazebo were swapping recipes – drug recipes. These women were the Nigellas of the prescription drug scene. They knew how to mix their fluoxetine with a nice tasty opioid like hydrocodone. They knew that top-and-tailing their favourite stimulants with a couple of Xanax could produce just the right kind of high. And their recipes had one ingredient in common: Adderall.

Reason Magazine—Thomas Szasz’s courageous defense of freedom and responsibility

Szasz’s radicalism, which he combined with a sharp wit, a keen eye for obfuscating rhetoric, and an uncompromising dedication to individual freedom and responsibility, was one of his greatest strengths. Beginning with The Myth of Mental Illness in 1961 and continuing through 35 more books and hundreds of articles, the maverick psychiatrist, driven by a “passion against coercion,” zeroed in on the foundational fallacies underlying all manner of medicalized tyranny.