CCHR Int Newsletter — August 2014


With its use of electroshock used as punishment for misbehaving youth, the Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC) has been dubbed “the school of shock,” by Mother Jones Magazine, and its practices likened to torture by the United Nations. Now the FDA must rule whether the device being used to inflict shock treatment on troubled kids, called “aversive conditioning,” should be banned. CCHR is calling on the FDA to uphold an earlier FDA panel recommendation and enforce a ban upon the device being used on children.

Should be a no brainer, but, apparently, the FDA needs time to consider.

Despite six children having died in its care, countless patient reports of abuse, FOX news showing a child writhing and screaming in agony as he is repeatedly shocked, and numerous lawsuits and damning governmental investigative reports, the facility now is in its fourth decade. But the frequency of continued complaints—both national and international—about JRC’s reward/punishment methods finally has prompted federal regulators to act—or, at least “think” about acting.

Click here to read the rest of the article.

The Link Between Psychiatric Drugs and Senseless Violence

link-between-psychiatric-drugs-and-violence-reportThere is overwhelming evidence that psychiatric drugs cause violence: 22 international drug regulatory warnings cite violence, mania, hostility, aggression, psychosis and even homicidal ideation. Individuals under the influence of such drugs and committing these acts of senseless violence are not limited to using guns and are not limited to just schools. Recent examples of individuals under the influence of such drugs include Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis and Fort Hood shooter Ivan Lopez.

To inform people of the truth, CCHR is providing a brand new FREE downloadable report on the link between psychiatric drugs and senseless violence.

Click here to download this report.

How Can You Help Support CCHR

help-support-cchrAs you may know, CCHR’s mission is to protect children and adults from harmful psychiatric drugs, treatments, and stigmatizing labels being spearheaded by a multi-billion dollar psychiatric-pharmaceutical industry that puts profit above patient’s lives.

Here are some of the ways you can help support CCHR:

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Help Inform Others

Think of others you may know that are not informed about the potential dangers of psychiatric drugs. Feel free to forward them any articles we release, you can find those articles on our Facebook page, or our website.

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