CCHR Int Newsletter — July 2015


uhs-fraudWith the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) declaring that “rooting out healthcare fraud is central to the well-being of both our citizens and overall economy,” CCHR is expanding their investigation into psychiatric healthcare fraud involving fraudulent billing for drug and other treatment of vulnerable children and the elderly, specifically continuing its seven-year review of the national private hospital chain owned by Universal Health Services (UHS).

CCHR is calling on employees, patients, family members or friends of those who have suffered abuse in a psychiatric facility that bills Medicaid, Medicare or other healthcare insurance companies to come forward and report the abuse.

Click here to read this article in full.

CCHR Calls for Prosecution of CIA Torture Psychologists

Following the release of several damning reports about psychologists’ participation in torture in the years following the 9/11 attacks, CCHR is calling for the prosecution of these torture psychologists stating, “Those psychologists directly involved in the torture should be prosecuted for violating the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT).”

Officials of the American Psychological Association (APA) were the primary creators of the “ethics policy” that enabled government entities to continue illegal and inhumane “enhanced interrogation” policies.

The APA not only gave “ethics” blessing to “enhanced interrogation” methods like water boarding, rectal rehydration, near drowning and naked dragging and slapping at Guantanamo Bay and other “black” sites around the world, but also would allow continued participation of psychologists.

Since the release of these reports, three top APA officials have either “retired” or resigned.

Click here to read this article in full.

ADHD: Psychiatric Epidemic or Hype?

CCHR’s data and statistics have recently been cited by numerous high profile press including The Wall Street Journal & Psychology Today among others. Concurrently, other national news sites are mirroring CCHR’s message, such as the most recent article from The Nation which calls ADHD a “hype” and serves as a wake up call for the mass drugging of America’s children stating, “Nowadays, when children stand out by what used to be called naughty, rebellious and boisterous behavior, it is much easier than before for teachers to have these children drugged with, for example, Ritalin or Concerta (psycho-stimulant medications).”

It is all too common these days that children displaying normal childlike emotions are quickly diagnosed with ADHD and given mind-altering psychotropic drugs that come with a bevy of side effects. CCHR, as you can see in the video we made years ago, has been delivering this message for decades… it’s catching on.

CCHR Success: Dedication & Courage

“CCHR works with dedication, courage, and fearless integrity. Without them my son would still be on many psychotropic drugs and in an out of state placement…

“Thank you CCHR from my family and other people around the world you have helped save.”

-J.B., Father

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