Great news—U.S. Senator Rand Paul, son of Congressman Ron Paul, has just introduced the Senate version of the Parental Consent Act (which was reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives in August). The Parental Consent Act (H.R. 2769 and now S. 1800) prohibits federal funds from being used to establish or implement any universal or mandatory mental health, psychiatric, or socio-emotional screening programs. CCHR has been working with Congressman Ron Paul on this bill for several years, and was contacted by Senator Rand Paul with the good news that this bill had now been introduced into the U.S. Senate! Click here for the text of the Senate Bill. And, if you haven’t done so already, please show your support for the Parental Consent Act by signing this petition.
Pediatricians Side with Psychiatrists and Condone Drugging of 4-year-olds for “ADHD”
The American Academy of Pediatrics issued new treatment guidelines for “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” that say ADHD can be diagnosed in kids as early as age four, and that Ritalin and similar drugs are an appropriate treatment even for children this young. With 5 million U.S. kids already diagnosed and drugged for ADHD, CCHR created a new video to ask those who condone this practice, to do one simple thing— watch our latest video “ADHD—The Challenge”
We are currently running this video on national television. CCHR’s videos have already played over 200 times on national television networks including CNN, Fox National News, MTV, USA Network, A&E, FX, SyFy, ESPN and NFL networks, reaching more than 2 million people. Your donations can help us to fund this national TV campaign.
Please make a tax-deductible donation today and help us get this video viewed by millions!
Antidepressant induced suicides—A mothers crusade
Watch this video produced by CCHR for 2011 Human Rights Award winner, Celeste Steubing, the leading voice of CCHR’s documentary, Dead Wrong—How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child
Save the Date—CCHR International’s 43rd Anniversary

CCHR 2011 Human Rights Award winner Celeste Steubing
CCHR’s Anniversary and Human Rights Awards Banquet is an annual charity event honoring outstanding human rights achievements in the field of mental health reform. To give you a taste of what this inspirational event is like, take a look at this video we put together from last year’s event.
This event will be held at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel and Suites in Los Angeles, California on Saturday, February 11th, 2012.
Special offer: Get 10% off event tickets when you book before January 1st, 2012. For more information, click here. To book tickets, please contact Eitan Celender or Deborah Bolin at (800) 869-2247, or e-mail