The Independent: How an antidepressant prescription spun a young mother’s life out of control
Rebekah Beddoe was a young mum who went to her GP for help. A routine prescription for anti-depressants later and her life was spiraling out of control
Rebekah Beddoe was a young mum who went to her GP for help. A routine prescription for anti-depressants later and her life was spiraling out of control
We can hold the DSM, currently in its fourth edition, responsible for transforming everyday sadness into a medical condition. It now diagnoses human response to loss, save for the death of a loved one, as depression.
Surveys … have shown that as many as 12 percent of those who are serving in Iraq and 17 percent of those who are serving in Afghanistan are using some form of prescribed antidepressant or sleeping pills
While the researchers concluded that depression itself does not appear to increase the risk of obesity, they did find a link between obesity and the use of a specific type of antidepressant medications: the serotonin-reuptake-inhibiting antidepressants, or SSRIs.
There is a direct correlation with the increase of antidepressant drug use and the rise in extreme, senseless violent acts. There are experts who have been trying to bring this to the attention of physicians, the FDA, and the public for more than a decade. Depression is not the problem. The drugs are the problem.