How Zealous Psychiatrists are Diagnosing Quirks as Mental Illnesses
South China Morning Post – October 28, 2013 By David Wilson Today it seems that almost everyone is certifiably mad. According to critics, amateur and…
South China Morning Post – October 28, 2013 By David Wilson Today it seems that almost everyone is certifiably mad. According to critics, amateur and…
The New American September 23, 2013 By Rebecca Terrell Congress is investigating whether prescription medications played a role in last week’s massacre at the Washington…
The mental health watchdog, Citizens Commission on Human Rights, has taken its commitment to inform and protect the public on mental health issues to a new level with the recent launch of its redesigned website and enhanced psychiatric drug side effects database.
The mental health watchdog, Citizens Commission on Human Rights, has taken its commitment to inform and protect the public on mental health issues to a new level with the recent launch of its redesigned website and enhanced psychiatric drug side effects database.
O’Meara writes that “the devastating adverse effects mind-altering psychiatric drugs may be having on the nation’s military troops are best summed up by Mary Shelley’s Dr. Frankenstein, writing “nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.” The psychiatric community, along with its pharmaceutical sidekicks, has turned to modern day chemical concoctions to alter the human mind in the same manners as the fictional character, Dr. Frankenstein, turned to experiments in the laboratory to create life with fantastically horrific results. This has resulted in what many see as “a growing number of equally hideous results culminating in senseless deaths, tormented lives and grief-stricken families.”