Tag Archives: dementia

Earth Times: Neurologist Fred Baughman—Vets Sudden Deaths Due to Antidepressant & Antipsychotic Drugs

Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD today announced the results of his research into the “series” of veterans’ deaths acknowledged by the Surgeon General of the Army. Upon reading the May 24, 2008, Charleston (WV) Gazette article “Vets Taking Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Drugs Die in Sleep,” Baughman began to investigate why these reported deaths were “different.” And, why they were likely, the “tip of an iceberg.”

Johnson & Johnson Internal Documents Reveal Unsavory & Potentially Illegal Marketing of Antipsychotic drug Risperdal

The multi-billion dollar drug company, Johnson & Johnson (J&J), has come under fire for allegedly violating the rules in their marketing of Risperdal, an antipsychotic drug. Back in 1999, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) told J&J that their marketing materials for geriatric patients overstated Risperdals benefits and minimized risks, according to Bloomberg.com. In 2000, an internal business plan strategized a way to increase Risperdals market share by marketing the benefits for elderly dementia, an unapproved use.