U.S. Could Learn from Reform of Coercive Mental Health Practices
An Australian proposal to eliminate forced psychiatric practices such as restraints should be immediately implemented and is vital also for patients in the U.S. By…
An Australian proposal to eliminate forced psychiatric practices such as restraints should be immediately implemented and is vital also for patients in the U.S. By…
U.S. should follow Australia’s lead to investigate suicide in children caused by antidepressants. With 2.1 million Americans aged 0-17 prescribed the potential suicide-inducing drugs, including…
News.com.au – January 20, 2015 A surge in the number of children aged six and under on ADHD medications could be caused by one or two…
IT’S been branded a “dangerous public experiment” that could turn normal human experiences into an epidemic of mental illness with healthy people being drugged unnecessarily.
In radical changes to the way mental health conditions are diagnosed, what was once considered a child’s temper tantrum could be labelled ”disruptive mood dysregulation disorder”. If a widow grieves for more than a fortnight she might be diagnosed with ”major depressive disorder”. If a mother in a custody battle tries to turn a child against the father, it might create ”parental alienation disorder”.
These are among new conditions proposed for the fifth edition of the psychiatrist’s bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), due to be finalised next year.
Leading mental health reform figures, including Australian of the Year Patrick McGorry, are misleading the public with dodgy statistics that suit their causes, a prominent psychiatrist says. Adelaide University Associate Professor Jon Jureidini claimed yesterday that Professor McGorry and National Advisory Council on Mental Health former chairman John Mendoza had exaggerated or misrepresented mental healthcare statistics during the reform debate.