America’s Most Dangerous Pill? Klonopin.
To read summaries of all international warnings and studies on anti-anxiety drugs (Klonopin is an anti-anxiety drug) click here for Anti-Anxiety Drug Side Effects It’s…
To read summaries of all international warnings and studies on anti-anxiety drugs (Klonopin is an anti-anxiety drug) click here for Anti-Anxiety Drug Side Effects It’s…
The audacity of psychiatry never ceases to amaze us. Take the issue of electroshock ‘treatment’,
a brutal procedure born out of an Italian slaughterhouse when psychiatrist Ugo Cerletti saw how pigs were easier to slaughter after being electroshocked, and decided to try it on humans. For decades psychiatrists have attempted to prove the efficacy of sending up to 450 volts of electricity searing through the brain, and for decades they have failed. The entire premise is so moronic it’s hard for any rational human being to comprehend how any ‘medical professional’ could justify it as “treatment.” In fact, this is probably the reason that the public, having a natural and rational abhorrence for electroshock, often don’t believe psychiatrists still shock people. But they do. In fact, millions are electroshocked each year, including the ‘ elderly, pregnant women and children.
They’re children of the new Florida ethic. Zombie kids warehoused on the cheap in the state’s juvenile lock-ups. Kept quiet, manageable and addled senseless by great dollops of anti-psychotic drugs.
A relatively small percentage of young inmates pumped full of pills actually suffer from the serious psychiatric disorders that the FDA allows to be treated by these powerful drugs. But adult doses of anti-psychotic drugs have a tranquilizing effect on teenage prisoners. Prescribing anti-psychotics for so many rowdy kids may be a reckless medical practice, but in an era of budget cuts and staffing shortages, it makes for smart economics.
“Because psychiatrists frequently cause harm, permanent disabilities, death— death of the body-mind-spirit.”
Expected to be published in May 2013, the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) – the bible of the American Psychiatric Association – has created a firestorm of controversy in its suggested treatment of individuals who have gender identity issues.
According to the manual, an individual questioning gender identity and meeting certain criteria suffers from gender identity disorder, which is therefore considered a mental disorder. And the new edition, whose revisions have been in the works for more than a decade, is likely to once again disappoint the vocal community that has been arguing for years that being transgendered is not a mental illness.