Australian Psychiatrist Patrick McGorry Wants His Pre-Drugging Agenda to Go Global
“Australia is a place that can actually change the world in mental health, provided we get the right government support to do so.” — Patrick McGorry
“Australia is a place that can actually change the world in mental health, provided we get the right government support to do so.” — Patrick McGorry
Here’s just one statistic that Danbury school psychologist Charles Manos worries about: 42 percent of all kids in foster care are taking three or more mood-altering drugs. “All kids in foster care have some story of trauma, like abuse or neglect, so we need to ask the question `How are we dealing with trauma?'” Manos asked.
As psychiatrists from around the world flood the area this weekend to take part in the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), psychiatric watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) is demanding that the APA sever all ties to pharmaceutical company interests and that psychiatrists stop killing children with harmful drugs.
All psychotropic drug effects occur by disabling the brain. Because a child becomes more subdued does not mean that there has been any real progress. The child has not learned any new skills. They have not learned self-control, they have merely been chemically strait jacketed. People are not understanding the damaging effects of psychiatric drugs on the brains and development of children.
The FDA has been approving psychotropic drugs, heart medications, birth control pills et al, with horrendous track records and mortal consequences since its inception. Some of those drugs have been taken off the market, but most like antidepressants are still available even though it is widely known they depress patients. Now we have the latest US government agency the FAA, which will now allow pilots to medicate and fly.