Are All Psychiatric Drugs Too Unsafe to Take? Answer: Yes
Natural News – November 25, 2014 By Peter Breggin Psychiatric drugs are more dangerous than you have ever imagined. If you haven’t been prescribed one…
Natural News – November 25, 2014 By Peter Breggin Psychiatric drugs are more dangerous than you have ever imagined. If you haven’t been prescribed one…
The Chicago Tribune reportedthat drug companies paid more than $25 million to Illinois doctors to promote and use drugs from the pharmaceutical companies. Nearly 40 physicians got payments and perks exceeding $100,000 between 2009 and early 2011.
Eight drug companies paid more than $220 million to doctors and promotional speakers in 2010 to promote their drugs.
Starting in 2013, all drug and medical device companies must report such information to the federal government which will make these disclosures available to the public.
The most controversial payments involve consul
Off-label use of powerful antipsychotic drugs has come in for plenty of debate in recent years. The expensive, newer-generation “atypicals” have been used to treat dementia, depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, dementia, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder…the list goes on. And all this while the Justice Department was investigating Big Pharma for off-label promotion of the drugs.
Congressman Ron Paul has re-introduced H.R. 2769, known as The Parental Consent Act of 2011 – A bill which prohibits federal funds from being used to establish or implement any universal or mandatory mental health, psychiatric, or socioemotional screening program.
What irony. Detroit mother, Maryanne Godboldo, was just charged with child neglect for refusing to obey a Child Protective Services order to give her daughter Risperdal, a powerful psychoactive drug. Meanwhile federal and multiple state prosecutors are suing Johnson & Johnson for deceptively marketing the drug – including mismarketing its use on children – and hiding dangerous adverse effects. J&J now faces a potential $1 billion in damages.
Having earlier observed the drug’s dreadful effects on her child, Maryanne was correctly pursuing holistic treatment for the child instead when the legal battle began. The jury’s ruling, now handed down against the mother, is not only a travesty of justice, but a reflection of psychopharma’s vast propaganda machine.